A New Song

Memorial Day is about remembering; memorials reflect on sacrifice, atmosphere

String theory universe exists on strings, that vibrate, like music, living songs

American Idol hears going flat, maybe the world does the same in us, singing flat?

Rev 5:9 they sang a new song: “You are worthy… because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased… people from every tribe and nation.”

That new song God sang to us and we have a new song for others

A New Song!

I'm not a singer, what if I sing it wrong? Sing what God has given you!

2 Cor 3:18 And we all, who with unveiled faces reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord

All believers can reflect God’s glory in us and be transformed

Just like sitting at the clearwater beach, your body will be transformed as it reflects

The more we’re transformed, the more his glory is revealed, reflected from us

How we grow, the process of reflection brings change! Reflect—Transform—Grow

Why am I not growing? the veil is back up and hindering His reflection, thus growth

Veiled Christians are not transformed but end up being conformed

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

How do I know if I am conforming or transforming?

Veil of Fear conforming to world pattern faith in pills, problems, people

Veil of Apathy conforming to world pattern no hope falling into bars, binges, beds

Veil of Self conforming to world pattern no love self-absorbed, appointed, afflicted

How do I do that? How do I tear the veil off?

1 Peter 2:9 …God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

Not a metaphor, but real; not us out of darkness, but dark out of us

In fact, later Peter writes that we’re the light in the darkness

It’s always about what we’re reflecting! We are reflecting His Light!

Matt 17:1-13 mountain, Jesus transformed, Moses and Elijah Why?

Everything fulfilled and accomplished in Jesus, transformation only by him

Elijah fell short of reflecting God’s glory

Tear off the world’s veil of fear by reflecting Faith!

Told to stand out on the mountain, but he stayed in the cave!

Elijah missed the glory because of fear and wrong expectations

Get out of your cave and lay down all your fears and expectations, reflect faith

Tear off the world’s veil of apathy by reflecting Hope!

He was told to speak to the rock, but Moses was angry with Israel

Moses missed the glory because of apathy and anger toward others

People will fail you but you must reflect Christ’s hope for them

Peter wanted to build 3 memorials but God had three better ones, them!

2 Peter 2:5 …like living stones, we are being built into a spiritual house…

1 Cor 13 is called the love chapter defining our ultimate reflection of Jesus

Tear off the world’s veil of self by reflecting Love!

1 Cor 13:12 seeing things in are mirror, darkly, this word means in a riddle.

We think we know what others are going through but we see in riddles

The only way to reflect God’s glory is to do it in love, tear off my hurt, my pain

Nothing keeps us from reflecting and growing in Christ, like the veil of self

Even though Moses and Elijah failed it Jesus fulfilled it, same with our love


Moving in God’s Surge


Stirring the Waters