Where God

McDonalds honking in line bought food then took his food; how make action real

1 Tim 6 command blessed do good, to be rich in actions, generous share what have

1 Tim 6:19 …will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

Our action stores up treasures in eternity by taking hold of life, God’s life for us

Surging forward means taking hold of the life God had for us, action of true Life

Where God?

2 Kings Elijah and Elisha, tell story, begin at end, Elisha standing before Jordan

This is a familiar place; struggle, battle, fear, calling, talent called out;

Finding the spot for church, comes with doubt, worry, where God, He showed up

2 Kings 2:14 He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?”

We do not find fear or doubt in this question, it is not one of wondering…

Asking where God means hungering for more!

He knew God was with Elijah, not enough God with Elijah, is he with me Now!

Your journey, mission, task, challenge, not enough have family, church friends

Elisha had to follow Elijah, mount Carmel, fire consume 50, not more him, God

He not saying is God here, but God I only go with you! not mantel title position

Ps 73:25 Whom have I in heaven but you? Earth has nothing I desire besides you.

Has world satisfied? Man, not enough hunger for Jesus, double portion, hunger

Asking where God means accepting the new!

God is a living God, God sent Elijah, now Elisha, different, double not mean same

Prophets wanted Elijah, searched 3 days, not find, new day, now doubled up

Joshua 1:2 Moses my servant is dead. Now then… get ready to cross the Jordan…

Elisha cry where is… was the cry, God I am ready for your new work doubled

Elisha not ends up in whirlwind, rollercoasters, not fear death, God’s newness

God sent disciples to wait for HS, something new, not the same, Spirit lead

Heb 10:20 a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, Jesus’ body

We cry where is the God of… I am ready for God of future, doubled up, let go past

Joshua commissioned to something new by crossing the Jordan, given authority

Elisha commissioned to something new by crossing; God was with him

Jesus commissioned to something new by crossing; God spoke My son; to die…

Your commitment to God’s newness never passes unrecognized by Him

Before Elisha, the Jordan is flowing, a deep and rapid stream; how is he to cross it?

The waters were not intimidated by the mantle but the power of God in the man

World is rocking and reeling, seeking answers, not intimidated, temples, religion

But we must ask the right question; God where are you? I only go if you’re with me!


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