Moving from Good Grief to Good Grace!
The world only promises good grief, but in Christ, we have good grace!
The Big Reveal!
God’s big reveal was Christ coming, Christ in us. But an important part of His reveal is how God reveals Christ through us.
Creating a Faith Atmosphere!
What kind of atmosphere are you creating in your life and those around you?
Bringing Rain in Spiritual Droughts
In spiritual droughts, God wants to fill us so that we might become a fountain of living waters for others.
Keep Swinging!
Don’t give up, you have a power in Christ that will keep you swinging to victory.
Living Prepared!
Living Prepared is about how you respond now in everyday life before the crisis comes.
Next in Line!
This final message for Pastor Greg’s Building Strong Families series will challenge you to believe in every moment God places in your hand.
Our Loving Duty!
We live in a generation of transactional relationships. But in Christ, we can live in transcendent marriages by learning to live in loving duty.
God is Calling a Reverse!
God is calling a reverse in your family. Trust him to take what is broken and in ashes and turn it into something amazing.
New Beginnings
It might look hopeless, but God has a new beginning for you and your family!
There is Still Room at the Table!
Do we believe that there is room at God’s table for others? If so, do we live with that urgency?
The Authentic Life
The authentic life God has for us understands how easily hypocrisy creeps into our life.
Sing and See!
One of our primary purposes as disciples of Christ is to worship God. Yet, we are often confused about how and what manner that worship should take.
God Shaped!
God Shaped is a practical message on the three essential pillars for effective discipleship and spiritual growth.
Breakthrough cannot be just a hope and a wish but God’s reality in your life.
The Last Stone
The last Stone God will place in our hands is one of victory and glorious hope.
Storm Breaker
How do we understand sanctification? By understanding and trusting that Jesus is our Strom Breaker!